Steve Mastrovich

Inspector (retired) Steve Mastrovich

Senior Investigator

Diploma in Policing – The Royal New Zealand Police College,  Post Graduate diploma in leadership and management

Steve was in the NZ Police for 36 years in South Auckland, Whanganui and the King Country, retiring as an Area Commander in 2016.   He has extensive experience in conducting investigations into serious crime as well as reviewing and overseeing complex enquiries.

He worked in rural and metropolitan areas throughout his career, often first on the scene or called out early to respond to serious crime and emergencies.

Steve planned, conducted and reviewed response and operations into major natural disasters such as the eruptions of Mt Ruapehu and floods in Whanganui and the Mangatepopo Canyoning tragedy in 2010 as well as serious crime in the Central  North Island, including several homicides and drug dealing.

Besides his decades of experience in hands on criminal investigation he has expertise in complex internal investigations involving upholding professional standards, analysis of workforce problems and planning and executing workplace change.

Steve was also involved for 12 years in the strategic leadership of the Central Police District encompassing Palmerston North, Whanganui and Taranaki.