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How To Spot A Counterfeit Bank Note

| Fraud

New Zealand has low levels of counterfeiting by international standards, but that doesn’t mean we can forget about checking our banknotes.

By regularly taking a second look we can all do our bit to keep forged banknotes out of circulation.

Our banknotes are made of polymer (a type of plastic) and have security features carefully built in to help make spotting a counterfeit easier. Here are ten easy ways to make sure the notes you’ve got are the real thing.

counterfit bank note spotting

What should I do if I find a counterfeit?

• If you believe someone is trying to pass you a counterfeit note, do not accept it, and notify the Police.

• If you find you’ve already received a counterfeit note, put it in an envelope to avoid handling it further and take it to the Police.

Call New Zealand Private Investigators, The Investigators Investigations on 0800 747 633, or click here to contact for more information.

Article by: Mike Gillam, Senior Investigator