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Exclusive: Business Pays $4000 For Investigator After Cops Refuse

| Fraud

The Investigators managing director Daniel Toresen says police are too under staffed to investigate all financial crime cases quickly.

New Zealand Police are telling financial theft victims to hire private investigators because it's too under-resourced, a private investigator says.A business owner, who asked not to be named, said he was annoyed when the police told him to pay a private investigator to investigate an ex-employee who allegedly stole thousands of dollars through undeclared cash sales.

The business owner provided police…


White Collar Crime 'Rampant' As Nearly 900 Fraud Complaints Go Uninvestigated

| Fraud

Businesses are spending thousands of dollars on private investigators to probe white collar crime because police won't touch fraud cases unless they are "gold plated", sources say.Figures released under the Official Information Act show that as at July 28, there were 888 files where a possible fraud or deception offence had been committed, but was yet to be assigned for investigation.

One business owner who detected an alleged theft by an employee was told by police they did not have resources to initiate a prosecution.

National man…


Kiwis Fear Calling Out Fraud At Work

| Fraud

A study into whistleblowing in Australia and New Zealand shows many Kiwi businesses don't have effective support processes in place to help staff resolve issues.The trans-Tasman survey, 'Whistling While They Work 2' says 36 percent of New Zealand organisations don't have a dedicated support person on site.

The research revealed inconsistent approaches to dealing with misconduct issues, and weaknesses with the system as a whole, particularly at a legislative level.

"It raises questions around the usability and the relevance of the Ne…


How Investigators Use Facebook To Snare Insurance Fraudsters

| Fraud

One of the country's top insurance companies says it has witnessed a 25pc increase in "claims fraud detection" in the last two years.

Around €268.4m was claimed in personal injury cases last year across the board.

For every €1 in fraudulent claims detected, another €3 is thought to remain undetected. Detected fraud in Ireland's insurance sector is close to €50m.
Liberty Insurance confirmed the most common fraudulent claims right now are staged accidents, where all parties are involved, "induced accidents", where the fraudster will d…


‘Can You Hear Me?’ Scam Has Police Warning Would-Be Victims to Hang Up Immediately

| Fraud

"Can you hear me?" It is a simple question, but police say answering it could make you the victim of a scam.Police are now warning about the scam. “Anytime you become victim to a crime, you just feel violated,” said Officer Jo Ann Hughes.

Here’s how it works – police say you’ll receive a phone call from a number you do not know.

“Usually it has a familiar area code,” Hughes told news agencies, making the potential victim more likely to answer the call.

Police say after you answer the phone, a person – or automated recording – on th…


Exclusive: What Does A Private Investigator Do?

| Fraud

A Private Investigator, sometimes known as a “Private Detective” is an individual who can be contracted by a firm or private clients to undertake a variety of investigations.
A Private Investigator is required to meet certain licensing requirements before they can start practicing as one.  Different countries have varying requirements, and in New Zealand all PI's must be licensed by the Ministry of Justice.

There are also requirements before becoming licensed in terms of education, training, and experience.  A good private investigat…


Former Chief Executive Of Dunedin Education Provider Guilty Of Fraud

| Fraud

A former chief executive has been found guilty of defrauding a Dunedin-based training organisation of more than $114,000.
Lynette Anna Collins-Watson, 59, appeared before Judge Kevin Phillips in the Dunedin District Court on Wednesday morning.

She was found guilty in a judge-alone trial of two charges of theft by a person in special relationship, and not guilty on three other theft charges. A further charge was withdrawn.

The thefts, committed between January 2009 and February 2015, totalled $114,432.20.

Collins-Watson was the chie…


Former Solicitor Faces Fraud Charges After Deceiving Bank

| Fraud

Former solicitor Edward Errol Johnston is facing charges laid by the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) after he lied to reduce his debt.
Johnston appeared in the Auckland District Court to answer three Crimes Act charges of ‘Dishonestly taking or using document’ and has pleaded guilty to all three charges.

During the months of December 2011 and January 2012, Johnston fell into arrears on his loan repayments to his bank for properties he owned in the Auckland area.

He proceeded to submit false Sale and Purchase Agreements to his bank after …


Why Rich People Commit Fraud

| Fraud

Financial fraud is on the rise and, despite best efforts in prevention and governance, most fraud is still detected by chance.
Perhaps understanding the working of criminal minds might help companies avoid becoming victims.

In his new book, Why They Did It: Inside the Mind of the White-Collar Criminal, Harvard professor Eugene Soltes attempts to explain why business executives - people who already have status and wealth - commit financial crimes.

Soltes' book features first-hand observations and self-justifications of a "Murderers' …


Lynfield College Accounts Manager Admits Embezzling More Than $400,000

| Fraud

An account manager who embezzled more than $400,000 from the school where she worked, splashed out on flash clothes and overseas trips.
Rhonda Merle Crabb, 64, spent almost 20 years at Lynfield College where she gained the trust of her fellow staff members.

But they had no idea that for the past seven years of her tenure she was pocketing vast sums of cash which she was supposed to be banking.

At Auckland District Court this morning Crabb pleaded guilty to a charge of theft.

She "got a buzz" from the stealing, she admitted, which h…